With average teaching salaries above $50,000, a low overall cost of living, and a vibrant community, Houston is a great place to teach—and live.
Labeled the “capital of southern cool” by GQ, Houston’s thriving metropolitan scene, including multiple theaters and museums and NASA's Johnson Space Center, is dedicated to promoting art, science, history and culture. And don’t forget about sports and nature! Houston is home to several professional sports teams and houses lots of green spaces for family fun.
Houston is a major hub for foodies, with enough variety and flavor to suit anyone’s taste buds. There are Mexican restaurants on practically every corner, and the city boasts a wide array of authentic cuisines from Africa, India and China. And don't forget about all the fresh seafood!
Houstontonians pride themselves on being able to find authentic cultural experiences right outside their doors, which brings a sense of community to the large city.
Teachers are in high demand in Houston. With over 25 school districts and a wide variety of student backgrounds, there are many opportunities to change lives here. Houston is also home to some of the best high schools—and teachers—in the nation. See how you can get certified to teach here and join talented colleagues.
"You can find authentic cultural experiences in Houston, which gives people here a sense of community and pride."
- Caroline Bates, Preschool Teacher
Houston needs teachers, from all backgrounds and experiences, who are committed to shaping the future of the city.
With a growing percentage of Spanish-speaking students and an ever-increasing population of immigrant children, the need for strong bilingual educators is greater than ever.
High school math, science and English is where it’s at. We need more teachers of these subjects to equip and empower students to navigate and thrive in a changing world.
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