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Houston Teacher Salary

As a Houston teacher, you’ll receive a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits and opportunities to grow your career. Read on and download the full salary guide!

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Find everything you need to know about salary and benefits for Houston teachers.

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Cover of the TEACH for Houston Teacher Salary & Benefits Guide

Download your free copy of the TEACH for Houston Teacher Salary & Benefits Guide! Inside, you’ll find:

  • Sample teacher salaries across the Houston area, so you can see specific numbers near you
  • Detailed info on loan forgiveness and home buying programs for teachers
  • Info on:
    • Career and salary growth opportunities for teachers
    • Teacher job security
    • And more!
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How much do teachers make in Houston schools?

Each district has its own teacher salary schedule and terms set forth in the job agreement, but in general, your income will be determined by your experience, credentials and school district.

There are a number of ways you can increase your teaching salary, including advanced degrees, leading extracurriculars and pursuing advanced certifications or meeting performance benchmarks.

How Teachers Earn Extra

A graphic reads: Example: Say you're a high school special education teacher in a high-needs school in Houston ISD. Your pay could add up like this: $64K Base starting salary + 28K Pay for 5 years' experience in special ed at New Education System school + 1K Shortage area stipend + 4K Retention incentive = $97,000 Total Salary.

You have a lot of options to raise your salary—and even get close to six figures! Here are a few strategies to consider: 

  • Teach in a high-need school. In 2023, Houston ISD began piloting the "New Education System" in underperforming schools. Teachers in these schools can almost $20K more in their first year! (3)
  • Boost pay through job performance. The Teacher Incentive Allotment lets participating school districts designate high-performing teachers. These designations come with salary bonuses—sometimes for thousands of dollars! (4)
  • Teach a shortage area subject. Some districts offer extra pay for teachers in high-need subjects, like math, special ed or bilingual education.
  • Earn an advanced credential. Many districts offer higher pay to teachers with advanced degrees (like a master’s or doctorate), or who earn their National Board Certification
  • Lead an extracurricular. You can earn stipends if you lead certain extracurriculars, such as yearbook, choir or athletics. Stipends vary depending on your activity and district, but pay often ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

How Much Do Similar Professions Make?

A bar chart of average salaries in Houston. The chart says: Registered Nurse - $93K; Web Developer - $93K; Teacher - $66K; Paralegal - $59K; Graphic Designer - $53K; Social Worker - $50K; Bookkeeper - $46K. Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Salary numbers are important information, but you may also be wondering how teacher salaries compare to other professions!

Teacher salaries are comparable to or even higher than many other fields that require a bachelor's or master's degree. Plus, teachers usually work just 180–190 days each annually—compared to 260 work days in most other fields. (2)

Now is a great time to become a teacher. Teachers are in high demand across Texas, and the number of teaching opportunities is projected to grow in the coming years. (5)

Benefits for Houston Teachers

Houston teachers receive comprehensive medical, dental and vision insurance—plus secure retirement plans and vacation time.

What’s next

Teacher Career Paths | TEACH for Houston

From teacher support to district leadership to education policy, there’s no one map for your education career.

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Career Coaching in Houston

Talk to an expert about how to become a certified teacher in Houston. Get free advice on what to teach and how to choose and apply to the right program.

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  1. “Teacher Pay and Spending: How Does Your State Rank?” National Education Association. April 18, 2024. https://www.nea.org/resource-library/educator-pay-and-student-spending-how-does-your-state-rank
  2. Salary Finder, CareerOneStop. U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.careeronestop.org/Toolkit/Wages/ find-salary.aspx
  3. New Education System. Houston Independent School District. https://www.houstonisd.org/Page/201279
  4. How TIA Benefits Texas Teachers. Teacher Incentive Allotment. https://tiatexas.org/for-teachers/how-tia-benefits-texas-teachers/
  5. Fastest Growing Careers, CareerOneStop. U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.careeronestop.org/ Toolkit/Careers/fastest-growing-careers.aspx
  6.  Retirement Eligibility Requirements. Teacher Retirement System of Texas. https://www.trs.texas.gov/ Pages/active_member_eligibilty_requirements.aspx

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