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KIPP Graduate Relay Residency

KIPP Relay Residency


The KIPP Relay Residency is offered in Houston and is a part of KIPP Texas Public Schools. KIPP Texas is part of a national network of free, open-enrollment, college-preparatory public charter schools dedicated to preparing students in underserved communities for success in college and life.

The combination of a Resident Advisor (mentor teacher at KIPP), the gradual on ramp of responsibilities and deliberate practice make the Residency an effective program. Residents are given constant feedback from their Resident Advisor, Relay Faculty Advisor and the manager of the Relay Residency so they are well prepared to take on their own classroom in the second year.

  • College or University
  • Houston, TX

Institution Links

  • Online Application
Ellen Williams

The Residency prepared me to be a teacher by giving me important hands-on experience. I was in the classroom everyday observing a master teacher, while also getting the chance to teach and perfect my own craft.

Ellen Williams

KIPP Graduate Relay Residency

Master’s & certification

Masters of Arts in Teaching and Texas Teaching Certification

  • 24 months

    Program Duration

  • Hybrid

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links


Program Info

Being a part of the KIPP Relay Residency is a prestigious honor and an amazing opportunity for individuals interested in a career in teaching. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about our mission and have a desire to work with students in underserved communities.

Because our Residents must be strong leaders in their classrooms, we look for candidates who have leadership experience, as well as experience working with children. The Relay Residency is a rigorous program, and we look for individuals who are driven, strive for excellence and are willing to work with others.

Residents that take and learn from critical feedback do exceptionally well in this program as the first year of the Residency involves a lot of growth and the refinement of instructional skills. The Residency is meant for individuals who want to learn and are willing to work hard to make sure their students succeed. Teaching is an incredibly challenging profession and learning to teach while taking graduate school classes can be similarly rigorous. While the Residency is a demanding two-year commitment, our Residents come out more prepared to take over and succeed in their own classrooms.

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Mar. 13, 2025

  • Jan. 10, 2026

  • Feb. 07, 2026


Get Deadline Reminders

Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $13,600

    In State Tuition

  • $0

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at KIPP Relay Residency have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with KIPP Relay Residency to see if you can, too!



Student Financial Aid

Financial aid is available for eligible students. 


Americorps Stipends

Eligible students can receive Americorps stipends. 



If eligible, students can receive a federal TEACH grant. 


Tuition Sponsorship

KIPP Texas provides a small tuition sponsorship during your first year of the program. The sponsorship is repaid during the second year through paycheck deductions.


Core Subjects (4-8)
Core Subjects (Pre-K-6)
English Language Arts and Reading (7-12)
Mathematics (7-12)
Science (7-12)
Social Studies (7-12)


  • Male

  • Female



Get Started

Own the application process. Start a checklist to put yourself on track to becoming the best teacher you can be.